Pivot was the best support and growth for both me and my son. As every parent, I’m sure, I was that parent who didn’t like overnight camps and was scared to be away from my child for days. After some begging from my only child and of course support and assurance from the camp staff, I felt comfortable. I am so glad I did! My son had the most wonderful experience with the staff and other campers during the week stay.  If he got homesick, he would call me and it would make him feel better to know I was ok as well.  He would tell me about his experience and what he would do from waking up to going to sleep and his daily activities apart from training and working on his basketball drills, he learned leadership skills and sportsmanship.  It helped so much with his growth and confidence.  After this wonderful experience he had, I wouldn’t hesitate to say yes for the next few years. They became our support and family. 


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